Saturday, January 31, 2009

Tagged... A New Game...

I've been tagged to play along with this game...
Here are the rules:
1) Go to your documents/pictures file on your computer
2) Go to your 6th file
3) Go to your 6th picture
4) Post and blog about it
5) Tag 6 people to do the same
6) Smile

Wow.. when Tif asked me to do this, I too was nervous at what I would find. I did realize that I need to clean out my files as the picture above is from Halloween of 2006 with Great Great Grandma Schreurs. She passed away this last year at the age of 104 (I think).. what a neat lady. Each year the girls would go to the Nursing home to have their photo.. This definitely brings back memories..
I will tag: Tammy, Kristen, Becky, Kitsie, Jina, and anyone else that wants to play along!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Late Post from Christmas...

Grandpa, Avery and one of the horses (Not sure which one)
Grandpa and the girls.. posing.. I think the horse wanted some attention!
The girls posing!
Grandpa and the girls.. They each got hat and mittens from Grandpa!
Wow.. thank goodness I got a new camera.. can you see all the water spots in these photos.. TERRIBLE! The girls truly enjoyed going to Iowa and getting to pet the horses. My dad has 4 palamino horses that all look a like, so that is why I couldn't tell you which one was which in the photos. It was nice to get down to Iowa for a few days over the Holidays!

My Girls...

Avery: 2
Lexi: 4
McKinley: 6
McKinley, Avery and Lexi
I just recently got a new camera, so it has been fun taking photos.. We just had bath night and we took a few photos of the girls.. It is amazing how big they are getting. It also amazes me at how different each of them look and their different personalities! They certainly keep me going each and everyday!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Awards Banquet in Arizona

Monday night.. All dressed up!
The Schreurs and Boerbooms on Tuesday night...
Holly Jo and Jamie...
The girls having a good time!
Ryan and I the last night in Arizona at our Awards Banquet!
Ryan trying the water slide out.. he needs help I think!
This was in the Omaha airport before our flight.. we had to have a pre-flight drink!
Ryan and I as well as the Boerbooms and Bednareks took off on Friday morning, the 16th to head to Arizona for our annual Awards Banquet for US Bank. We stayed at the Fairmont Princess Resort in Scottsdale.. It was beautiful.. Friday night we were able to spend sometime wih the Boerboom's relative and had a great meal.. (Thank you) After the meal, we drove back to Don and Cilla's condo.. wow what a nice place.. (Thanks Don and Cilla). On Saturday morning we had tee times at the Starfire Golf Course and golfed 18 holes.. It was a very nice course and a lot of fun! (I golfed a 53 and a 61.. which isn't bad considering July was probably the last time I got to golf) After golf we headed to our resort to meet up with the rest of the US Bank family and dealers. Saturday night was a welcome reception.. I stayed out too late that night.. Sunday was a complete free day.. I stayed by the pool the entire day.. No tan lines what so ever.. I was bummed. Monday and Tuesday I had meetings all day; however Ryan was able to have a lot of free time. Monday was a little shopping and then hanging by the pool..and then dinner and drinks that night. Tuesday Ryan met up with Patrick Brown (Daynica Drake's husband) and went golfing with Patrick's friend and two of Ryan's friends.. they certainly had a great time! We had our awards banquet on Tuesday night and more dinner and drinks as well. It was an early Wednesday morning, getting up at 4:45.. We arrived in Marshall around 4:30 that afternoon and it was a lot of fun to see the girls after 5 days.
(Thanks to my Mom, Jodi, Shawna, Darice, David and Diane for helping with the girls while we were gone as well as the house.. we are lucky to have such awesome people in our lives)
I forgot to mention that the weather was 79-80 all 5 days that we were there.. so it was REALLY hard to come back to Minnesota.. It is -8 today.. UGH..